Book A Reading
Your reading will be in the classical Western style using the Tropical zodiac, with a minor incorporation of Vedic methods. Most questions and concerns can be addressed during the reading. Each reading is conducted Live via Zoom, Skype or telephone.

Standard Reading
Recommended for first-time clients. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. Learn about your personality, the gifts God gave you, and the themes you will encounter in this life. Included is a look at current astrological transits affecting you. We can discuss any specific questions you may have. Know thyself, and you will understand the unique story God has written just for you.
Relationship Reading
This reading enables you to understand better the interactions between yourself and your significant other or business partner. Explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual dynamics of your relationship. Troubleshoot problems. Both Synastry and Composite charts will be explored. This reading can be attended as a couple or as an individual. This reading requires an accurate birth date (month, date, year), time and location for both you and your partner.
Child Reading
This reading enables you to understand better the interactions between yourself and your child. Explore the dynamics of your parenting relationship and decipher the best strategies to optimize your parenting role. Troubleshoot problems, find unique solutions, ask questions. This reading requires an accurate birth date (month, date, year), time and location for both you and your child.